Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Congress Wants Broken Laser to Zap North Korea's Broken Missiles | Danger Room | Wired.com

Congress Wants Broken Laser to Zap North Korea's Broken Missiles | Danger Room | Wired.com
Events that seem as if children were the leaders in the decision making process are usually masking an agenda that desires to remain undisclosed.By representing actions and decisions as "dumb mistakes" or "misguided" subconsciously the danger and threat level is lowered by the human mind. This is one of a vast number of political tactics to bury something in the closet and if later re-emerges,can be defended by showing that the event or issue was reported publicly and upfront. Leaving even more confusion which ultimately creates doubt and second guessing.
In this situation it is most likely an attempt to create a money funnel for a private sector corporation that has strong ties to elected officials within the halls of government.The Korean missile issue is only a mask for a new defense contract.

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