Sunday, May 6, 2012

Libertarians Find Their Audience In 2012 Race : NPR

America is beginning to grow tired of the incompetence,partisan bickering and corruption of the elected officials and candidates of the "big two" and doors are opening for more options.This is the way things should have been all along but in the early part of the 1900's the "big two"passed legislation making it very difficult for other parties to enter candidates into the running.This legislation should be removed from the law books and marked as illegal,as it goes against any concept of democracy.In today's time it would seem absurd that the Dem and Repub parties could do this but this was done at a time when public knowledge was very low.There was no internet and the television was a new thing and few people owned one.The people of the US have been held hostage for too long by the corrupt career politicians and the powers that they answer to.By allowing SuperPacs and private campaign funding along with the large cash penalty for independent candidates the people of the US have been limited to either Dem/Repub cronies,extremely wealthy candidates,and corruptly backed and funded representatives of corporate power.Unfortunately none of these groups are very concerned with the will of the people but only with promoting the power that placed them in office.This is how we have arrived to the place in which we are now,economically broken,divided by race,religion,and wealth,civil liberties have all but disappeared,all privacy is gone,and we are at war with many countries and our allies are vanishing.This country cannot withstand the unqualified,corrupt,politically divided cronies of the Dems and Repubs much longer without total economic and social collapse.
The problems to be faced with other independent parties have not made themselves visible as of yet but the laws ,systems and equipment are already in place.For ten years the big two have been quietly building defense mechanisms to protect their rule of the land,and in response to public disapproval of both parties they have been rushing to secure their rule within the last year.At a time when the Congress has been seen as broken and nothing is getting completed due to partisan politics the only laws that are passed are laws that take away citizens rights and remove citizens power in influencing government.NDAA2012,HR347 and several other laws have mysteriously been rushed through almost unanimously and quietly,receiving no mainstream media attention even to the present when both laws are known and in dispute.It will remain to be seen if within the future the dominate powers will even release these powers if they are voted out.They have the means to legally and forcefully protect the positions due to laws that are in conflict with the Constitution.Americans are faced with dangerous times ahead and the majority of the threat is within the government that was meant to be for the people by the people.
This post is in view of the arise of independents in the Presidential race.
Eric J Fleming
See NPR article below
Libertarians Find Their Audience In 2012 Race : NPR

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